Past Events for Women, Singles, and Couples!
2 1/2-Day Co-ed Embodiment and Sexual Polarity Intensive

Love and sexuality are at the core our primal life force. Love isn’t an idea or a thought or even a feeling - it powers the core of your being. The desire and drive to open through love and sex are palpable forces that can be conducted through your body and the world around you.
Beyond just scratching the itch of sexual hunger, how can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner?
Love and physical intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art--few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop you will learn through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love.
Beyond just scratching the itch of sexual hunger, how can we channel and conduct this intensity in our lives and relationships? How can you widen your horizons of sensual delight while deepening who you are as a human being? How can you do this with safety and honesty, while navigating moment to moment changing cues from your partner?
Love and physical intimacy can be practiced, and deepened as a fulfilling art--few people actually work to expand their capacities in this area. Reading books, and watching videos is no substitute for actual practice with real partners. In this workshop you will learn through practices designed to stretch and grow your capacity to conduct pleasure and communicate love.
In this workshop you will:
This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. The workshop is held in a supreme container of safety. This workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will be explicitly practicing with masculine and feminine energies.
- Experience how relaxing as you are, right now, frees you from the never-ending struggle for self improvement
- Learn practices to direct and conduct sexual energy through your and your partner’s bodies using breath, consciousness, and relaxation
- Embrace and embody Masculine and Feminine energies from the dark side to the light
- Learn how to develop your own personal sexual yoga practice, whether solo or with a partner
- Experience a taste of deep yogic sex through connected breathing - opening the body, heart, and soul
- Learn what turns you and others on—sexually and spiritually—and how to use these turn-ons for mutual spiritual growth
- Discover the most powerful secret of all--how to receive what you desire by giving it
- Awaken the wisdom already present in your body. Learn how to access the intelligence within the heart, solar plexus, belly and genitals that drives deep yogic sex
- Learn how to expand your capacity to feel and remain open and connected as love no matter how intense the pleasure or pain
- Learn how to artfully express any emotion--anger, sorrow, fear, lust--with an open heart
This workshop is a safe place to practice and learn, whether you are single, married, or in relationship. All practices are done fully clothed. There is no nudity. The workshop is held in a supreme container of safety. This workshop is inclusive for all genders and sexual orientations, although we will be explicitly practicing with masculine and feminine energies.
Deepening Intimacy Workshop, Berkeley, CA
February 7th - 9th 2020 Feb 7th 7:00 pm - 10pm Feb 8th 11am-10pm Feb 9th 11am - 6pm *Must attend entire weekend Tickets: $495-$895 Early Bird Single: $495 ends January 13th Early Bird Couple: $795 ends January 13th Single: $554 Couple: $865 Ticket sales end February 2 **Application must be approved prior to enrollment being confirmed |
Monthly Intimacy and Polarity Games Nights
Experiential mini-workshops for singles and couples to learn new tools for relating
2nd Monday of every month
7:30-9:30pm East Bay Community Space, Oakland $15 single $25 couple *Check our Facebook page to confirm dates and purchase tickets. No sales at the door. Do you want to create more authenticity and intimacy in your relationship or draw in a relationship that can hold that? Join me for these embodied mini-workshops in which we dive into breathwork, embodiment, and connection exercises that teach you to communicate your desire, increasing sexual polarity, and cultivate presence for emotions. Drawn from the work of David Deida, John Wineland, and Kendra Kunov on supporting the growth and transformation of individuals and couples, this mini-workshop is sure to leave you feeling more open-hearted and in touch with your deepest feelings about what you wish to create in your relationship life. |
Why would you want to do embodiment and polarity practices?

Creating new habits of body and mind take time, practice, and effort. Just like in difficult physical asanas in yoga like chair pose, you may want to pop out due to the discomfort, where change happens is when we keep holding the pose a few moments beyond when we are uncomfortable. In the art of sexual yoga (the practice of using our inner masculine and feminine essences to create love and attraction in each moment) we hold the pose through our breath, our intention of love and desire, and allow the love and the truth of our hearts to show through our eyes and body.
Creating these new habits of love is not easy, but it is possible! In this video I discuss how we can hold the difficult pose of surrender to transform trauma and mistrust. Most of us have had experiences in the past when it wasn't safe to surrender so when we try to offer our hearts to a partner who we actually do trust our whole body and mind may be screaming no from these past wounds. In these moments when know we are safe and loved but are so terrified to let go because of past hurts, we can rewire what love and safety means in our body by revealing the truth of our fear and holding true to offering surrender.
Creating these new habits of love is not easy, but it is possible! In this video I discuss how we can hold the difficult pose of surrender to transform trauma and mistrust. Most of us have had experiences in the past when it wasn't safe to surrender so when we try to offer our hearts to a partner who we actually do trust our whole body and mind may be screaming no from these past wounds. In these moments when know we are safe and loved but are so terrified to let go because of past hurts, we can rewire what love and safety means in our body by revealing the truth of our fear and holding true to offering surrender.
Sacred feminine essence is the wild nature that brings
energy and flavor to life.
Recognition of this sacred feminine essence within us is an antidote to the epidemic of self-doubt and pushing ourselves hard and fast to prove our worth in a society and workplace that values men and the masculine over women and the feminine. How much time, energy, and money do we waste in envy and comparison? How can we really trust other women to be our allies and form true deep friendship if we don’t trust our own feminine essence?
We must embrace a new feminism, that honors the feminine in us and the world just as much as it values the masculine.
Connection to the sacred feminine part of ourselves is not about denying our rational or analytical side. It is not about being dainty and cute. It is instead about RANGE. Are we able to relax into our truest expression in the moment, wherever on the spectrum that lands, whether it be a storm of rage, a warm honey pot of desire, or a wild wind of change and uncertainty. Or are we unconsciously running away from parts of our own feminine that we feel are shameful or weak?
We consider feminine essence as sacred because it is a fundamental part of the fabric of reality and can be found as that mysterious part in all of us that is so alluring to the masculine.
Tapping into this energy brings an effortless power and an ever-renewing sense of wonder and play into day to day life.
Although the feminine can be fierce, this is very different from popular notions of a bitchy “goddess” archetype. True connection to this source does not confer superiority. We are here to love and heal one another, and we must begin with ourselves and our sisterhood. This work is not about dancing (though we like to dance!), dressing up for the male gaze, or losing all sense of center and critical thinking. It is instead about courage, sober connection to our own inner reality, and the power in being real and vulnerable together.
Sunday May 5th
Berkeley, CA
For more information and to purchase tickets
From Inner Critic to Embracing Embodiment: An Experiential Workshop for Women
Do you feel cut off from a vital part of your being as a woman in this fast-paced workaholic culture?
Do you let yourself want what you want?
Does self criticism keep you stuck from moving forward with your dreams and how you want to embody your big life?
Do you want to feel more confident in yourself as a sexy, beautiful, intelligent woman?
This experiential workshop led by a licensed therapist who specializes in women’s work will lead you through dealing with your inner critic that keeps you from expanding into the life you want to create and get you dropped deep into your body to experience your birthright of pleasure. In an intimate and safe setting we will reconnect with ourselves, other women, and the parts of us we are habitually told to cut off from: our vital life source as women!
This workshop will include dyadic inquiry work as well as authentic movement practices. Space is limited to 15 women to keep the container safe and sweet.
Wear clothes you can move in and bring a yoga mat and a cushion to sit on.
$35 Early Bird (ends May 5)
$45 Regular (ends May 17)
Do you let yourself want what you want?
Does self criticism keep you stuck from moving forward with your dreams and how you want to embody your big life?
Do you want to feel more confident in yourself as a sexy, beautiful, intelligent woman?
This experiential workshop led by a licensed therapist who specializes in women’s work will lead you through dealing with your inner critic that keeps you from expanding into the life you want to create and get you dropped deep into your body to experience your birthright of pleasure. In an intimate and safe setting we will reconnect with ourselves, other women, and the parts of us we are habitually told to cut off from: our vital life source as women!
This workshop will include dyadic inquiry work as well as authentic movement practices. Space is limited to 15 women to keep the container safe and sweet.
Wear clothes you can move in and bring a yoga mat and a cushion to sit on.
$35 Early Bird (ends May 5)
$45 Regular (ends May 17)